e = [ 'id' => 'wpseo-premium-create-redirect', 'title' => __( 'Create Redirect', 'wordpress-seo-premium' ), 'href' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpseo_redirects&old_url=' . $old_url ), 'wpseo_redirects-old-url', 'wpseo_premium_redirects_nonce' ), ]; $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( $node ); } /** * Add page analysis to array with variable array key patterns * * @param array $patterns Array with patterns for page analysis. * * @return array */ public function add_variable_array_key_pattern( $patterns ) { if ( in_array( 'page-analyse-extra-', $patterns, true ) === false ) { $patterns[] = 'page-analyse-extra-'; } return $patterns; } /** * This hook will add an input-field for specifying custom fields for page analysis. * * The values will be comma-separated and will target the belonging field in the post_meta. Page analysis will * use the content of it by sticking it to the post_content. * * @param Yoast_Form $yform The Yoast_Form object. * @param string $name The post type name. */ public function admin_page_meta_post_types_checkboxes( $yform, $name ) { $custom_fields_help_link = new Help_Link_Presenter( WPSEO_Shortlinker::get( 'https://yoa.st/4cr' ), __( 'Learn more about including custom fields in the page analysis', 'wordpress-seo-premium' ) ); echo '
'; $yform->textinput_extra_content( 'page-analyse-extra-' . $name, esc_html__( 'Custom fields to include in page analysis', 'wordpress-seo-premium' ), [ 'extra_content' => $custom_fields_help_link, ] ); echo '
'; } /** * Function adds the premium pages to the Yoast SEO menu * * @param array $submenu_pages Array with the configuration for the submenu pages. * * @return array */ public function add_submenu_pages( $submenu_pages ) { /** * Filter: 'wpseo_premium_manage_redirects_role' - Change the minimum rule to access and change the site redirects * * @api string wpseo_manage_redirects */ $submenu_pages[] = [ 'wpseo_dashboard', '', __( 'Redirects', 'wordpress-seo-premium' ) . ' ', 'wpseo_manage_redirects', 'wpseo_redirects', [ $this->redirects, 'display' ], ]; return $submenu_pages; } /** * Change premium indicator to green when premium is enabled * * @param string[] $classes The current classes for the indicator. * * @return string[] The new classes for the indicator. */ public function change_premium_indicator( $classes ) { $class_no = array_search( 'wpseo-premium-indicator--no', $classes, true ); if ( $class_no !== false ) { unset( $classes[ $class_no ] ); $classes[] = 'wpseo-premium-indicator--yes'; } return $classes; } /** * Replaces the screen reader text for the premium indicator. * * @param string $text The original text. * * @return string The new text. */ public function change_premium_indicator_text( $text ) { return __( 'Enabled', 'wordpress-seo-premium' ); } /** * Register the premium settings */ public function register_settings() { register_setting( 'yoast_wpseo_redirect_options', 'wpseo_redirect' ); } /** * Output admin css in admin head */ public function admin_css() { echo ""; } /** * Load textdomain */ private function load_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'wordpress-seo-premium', false, dirname( WPSEO_PREMIUM_BASENAME ) . '/languages/' ); } /** * Initializes the HelpScout support modal for WPSEO settings pages. * * @param array $helpscout_settings The helpscout settings. * * @return array The HelpScout beacon settings array. */ public function filter_helpscout_beacon( $helpscout_settings ) { $beacon_id = '1ae02e91-5865-4f13-b220-7daed946ba25'; $helpscout_settings['products'][] = WPSEO_Addon_Manager::PREMIUM_SLUG; // Set the beacon to the premium beacon for all pages. foreach ( $helpscout_settings['pages_ids'] as $page => $beacon ) { $helpscout_settings['pages_ids'][ $page ] = $beacon_id; } // Add the redirects page. $helpscout_settings['pages_ids']['wpseo_redirects'] = $beacon_id; return $helpscout_settings; } }